Figuratively, what you feel when your life hopes are suddenly in shambles.
Literally, when you opted for a CRISPR upgrade by someone missed a letter or two and you spend your life in a slum instead of a penthouse
I feel soo crisped these days. Back to my folksbasement again.
by KMS19 March 8, 2020
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It is a leftover cotton that gets stuck inbetween the toes when a foot gets sweaty in socks, Usually it is sucked by Sven and Loga when they capture pokimane and start their foot fetish fantasies
Al bi ja sucko Crisp od Čarapa od Ele
by BlackCreatureAnimal445 August 15, 2021
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Mum have you got any pombears or bean crisp
by MBARR August 4, 2021
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a word used to describe a situation or person that is elite or mid.
My friends are cooky crisp when they laugh.
by notahumidperson June 1, 2022
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An affectionate term referring to a woman’s crisp , round behind
Jeez, look at that Toffee Crisp man
by Salt Potato squad December 30, 2021
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When a person, usually white is always getting sun burned.
She's the tomato crisp of the group
by anonymous537 March 13, 2019
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