A person who is mean, spiteful, manipulative and vindictive. Also known as a Julianne
Omg can you please stop being a ‘Julianne’. No one likes Purple Cauliflower std
by SlipperyOlive September 3, 2023
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A term for what happens when a man has his balls tickled for too long and large amounts of blood accumulate in the testicles
by PHartsniffer March 3, 2021
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The act of holding your penis tightly as to cut off circulation while your significant other stretch’s the testicular sack while making bird sounds
I lost my mind when she hit her knees and performed the purple crow.
by The purple master December 28, 2019
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used by middle schoolers to skirt saying 'dildo'
person1: bro she was talking about her purple tower...
person2: just say dildo dude, but yeah that's weird-
by dudewhomemes October 28, 2022
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A girl that is the happy-go-lucky type and is always optimistic. She is so optimistic in fact it gets to the point where it gets so annoying that you just want to shoot her in the face.
Person 1: Who's that optimistic girl over there?
Person 2: Oh it's just another one of those skyrain purple girls.
Person 1: What are you gonna do?
Person 2: *Pulls out shotgun* Shoot her in the face.
by imnotevenreal April 21, 2015
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A sexual act performed through the female eating a high enough quantity of beets to turn her feces purple, and quite possibly staining her butthole. The male then penetrates the newly dyes purple butthole with his penis, creating the Purple Santorum.
My girl is chowing down on some beets right now, I'm getting a Purple Santorum for my birthday!
by Doc Toboggan January 6, 2012
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