The sum total of your assets permitting you to attract a close friend or mate, including, i.e. beauty, fitness, wealth, sense of humor, etc.
John thought he could get Judy as a girlfriend but he didn't have the social coin to do so.
by Ethelred July 4, 2015
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nice, sexy clothes an attractive woman who's a social coach might wear on the street
A full length black leather coat is an example of social coach attire. I would like to have an attractive woman who wears social coach attire, especially a full length black leather coat as my social coach. I would feel very motivated to work with and learn from a social coach who wears social coach attire.
by Mr. 911 April 19, 2007
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When you can't watch Shrek alone, because that's tragic af.
Hey, wanna hang? I need to get me some Shrek. Damn girl you a social shreker.
by Shreklord1 December 2, 2017
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An individual who expresses meaningless, unimportant advice or opinions constantly on social media, essentially showing them as a “chirping” bird
Person 1: “why is this guy/girl posting sm abt how nowadays females/niggas ain’t shit

Person 2: they’re a social media bird, ignore em
by ifwerebeingveryhonest7 July 19, 2023
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The act of communicating on social media thru memes.
my Facebook wall is filled social memeia. no one ever posts anything but memes any more. i miss videos of kittens and doggos!
by brosef dudeman April 19, 2019
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A field of academic scholarship which scrutinizes various topics merged into one course such as political science, sociology, geopolitics, anthropology, criminology, philosophy and psychology. In my opinion it is the most important course to study as politics controls many aspects of our daily lives such as how much bills and taxes we have to pay and what the minimum wage is in each country.
Individuals who study Social Sciences cultivate a more informed decision on which party to vote for as they have more education of the complexity of the political layout.
by Rotten Turkey August 28, 2022
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other words is: shit eaters , toss hoes , dick eaters , thots , Dookie hoes

toss hoe meaning: A female who has committed sexual acts with a group of males at the same time , being passed around from one dick to another.

1. "Did y'all hear neisha fucked the whole team"

"Yea she's such a toss hoe" "she just want to be around us cause we the next gang popping"..

thot meaning : A girl who is looked at as a hoe or slut. That girl a thot from the block.

social media hoe meaning: A social media hoe is a girl who comments on a lot of boys Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and others.

Shit Eater meaning: a open ass going ass fatherless ass ho with no morals what so ever. (often groupie or ran through)

Shit Eater, an pen ass going ass fatherless ass ho with no morals what so ever.

Dookie Hoe meaning: Girl that fucks a whole lot and jocks all day.

Probably from Ocala Florida
damn look at waldo with that dookie hoe.

that's all he can get.
other words is: shit eaters , toss hoes , dick eaters , thots , Dookie hoes , social media groupies


A example for it is : A female that suck & fuck the next dude that have a name for themselves

they also be with every opp out gangs in the city
by SOCIAL MEDIA THOTS July 30, 2023
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