(in Pakistan) Practice of illegal subdividing of large lots of land into very small residential lots and selling them.
Practitioners of this activity are often influential people or groups who acquire land for their purpose legally and illegally. The practice of China cutting is considered illegal because acquired land is repurposed as small residential lots without proper zoning or government approval. For example, public parks, government owned empty lots and even graveyards and cemeteries are carved into smaller lots and then sold as residential lots.
Even some government ministers have been accused of China cutting.
by zpack November 20, 2021
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when you take a short-cut and it ends up being super cool.
When Ryan and i were on our way to the skate park earlier, we decided to go through the abandoned lot and it ended up bein' a cool-cut!
by sexbagelsk8er March 21, 2010
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"They said copy the map, not cut the map! He cut the fucking map!"
by Pazuzu the GREAT March 8, 2009
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Cut a pedos dick off if they mess with your loved one
(Also the world needs to change this world is basically infested by pedos)
Person 1 : Sis i just got harrased by a man :(
Person 2 : Its ok Ill cut his dick off its National cut a pedos dick off day!
by Angel a random female April 1, 2021
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a polite way of saying you kicked someone out of your circle of friends survivor style.
"Yeah, I don't really hang out with Jimbo anymore. We kinda cut him from the herd."
by ~*erin*~ April 10, 2004
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He cut one from the herd after downing three cans of refriend beans.
by KJ April 9, 2004
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