"urbandictionary editors suck, dude" "yeah man, so damn hard"
by HELLA November 3, 2013
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When you look up your name/your friends name on the urban dictionary and the description is completely accurate which results in you being mind blown. That is the urbandictionary name conspiracy.
*Charlie Sheen looks up his name in the urbandictionary*

The name Charlie is often the name a guy that is bi-winning and has tiger blood is called.

Charlie: Duuude, how did they know?!
Dude: Yeah Charlie, that's the Urbandictionary name conspiracy...
by areyoume? May 6, 2011
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1 of 3 now notorious urbandictionary paedophiles:

author The Fury 13 is a paedophile,

author Judge dredd7 is a paedophile ,

author Deep blue 2012 is a paedophile

Find their definitions which promote CHILD HARM and have them deleted. EVERYONE, no matter their morality or amorality, conservative or progressive or anarchist, agrees that such MOSTROUS EVIL has no place here or existing anywhere else.
those are three of the most egregious- and prolific paedophiles abusing urbandictionary found so far
by kill paedophiles June 19, 2013
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1 of 3 now notorious ud PEDOPHILES:

author The Fury 13 ,

author Judge dredd7 ,

author Deep blue 2012

Find their CHILD ABUSING definitions and have them deleted
those are three of the most egregious- and prolific paedophiles as urbandictionary spammers discovered in June 2013
by kill paedophiles June 19, 2013
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The people who decide which entries are too stupid for submission and which ones are worth submitting. Without them, urbandictionary.com would cease to exist, or be crowded with even more garbage entries than are socially aceptable.
Don't hate on the urbandictionary editors.
by Dr. Ivy Thorne June 27, 2011
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This is the longest definition on Urbandictionary. Even longer than the second longest. (Duh...) Since M is a tied with W for the biggest character on most fonts, this is the longest definition possible.
by Literally Anyone January 1, 2017
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A passive, absolutely pointless war waged by complete losers without a life from either side of the border. THe sad part is their views are now seen as the 'dominant' views since they are more vocal about them. the sensible people obviously have better things to do than sit around abusing strangers under random youtube videos.
It is a direct result of illiteracy, intolerance and general stupidity now rampant on either side of the border.
Abusing each other's countries.
Actually finding the time to write offensive definations for each other's countries.
Indopak Youtube and Urbandictionary Wars prove that the subcontinent is full of the most resentful people alive, sadly.
by yetagain April 18, 2009
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