How well or bad you want your bread toasted while in a toaster
by Toaster536 December 13, 2018
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Imagine toasty (High of Marijuana) - But even more servre, to the point where your constantly trollin' It's considered something only to be done on 4-20 but others dare to reach a level of highness, known to many as toasty clean
Marowki: "Dude, it's 4:16PM, do you have the 8 blunts we rolled so we can get toasty clean"
Chuck: "Yeah man, they're right here"
by Mopha August 27, 2007
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I walked into my sisters room to find her masturbating to micow with a cheese toastie in her flaps. I said oh my god you are cheese toastie sexual
by Cheese toasties October 10, 2021
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When the tunage is so raw and loud that the speakers themselves start to overheat
"Shit man, the speakers are starting to spark and smoke!"
"I know man, the bass is soooo fucking toasty"
"Yeah man, fuckin' Toasty Bass"
by breadbaker420 December 28, 2013
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Taking a selfie while on the toilet, usually taking a shit. A smile is often appreciated when included.

TLDR: Shit selfie
Bro I sent her a Toastie last night. She saved the pic and offered me a blumpkin.
by CatboyChai May 5, 2022
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A phrase used to express admiration or give props.
Man, that bike is so toastie!

Wow, she's so toastie!
by Erigne August 2, 2008
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A form of insult that arose from a misunderstanding with the purpose to replacemelt
Person A - “You’re such a melt

Person B - “Melt? Stfu you toastie
by Toastiecreator July 10, 2023
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