deflowering a girl in both passages with the sole lubricant being provided by both parties' tear ducts.
did u see jbone with chunk's sister last night? supposedly went the whole way - double wicket maiden onion!
by winkle79 May 7, 2009
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Unsuspecting Citizen - "Dude thats never gonna fit. you should try another entrance."

Robin Hood - "Tis what thy maiden proclaimed!"

Unsuspecting Citizen - "Dammit"
by This isnt real April 21, 2010
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It’s ok if you’re an Iron Maiden fan as long as you know rush is light years better
I’m an Iron Maiden fan but i must say rush is a better band
by Saudi prince Walter May 3, 2021
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a pickup line used to hit on some medieval pussy!
Say this to a girl you would like to get in with.

You: "come hither thy maiden and slayeth thy beast before thy cometh"

Her: "Take me into your dungeon and tie thy upeth!"
by charlie dick(onson) January 24, 2012
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The littest person you'll ever meet
You're such a Savannah Maiden
by Savannah_GOAT November 2, 2017
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