A friend who is also a sexy mommy
X: mommy sorry mommy sorry mommy sorry
Y: are you talking about Era
by Weirddumbass November 20, 2021
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A stupid nickname for a girl named Cierra. Era is literally an alcoholic bitch who has the IQ level of a 5 year old. She does not have the ability to take responsibilities for her actions because she is too fucking narcissistic. She is always the victim in every situation. She does not care about anyone else but herself. Her pussy smells like an abandon fish market that has not been tended to in 5 years.
Who is that bitch and who does she think she is? Oh, that is Era.
by bitchasshoe3 December 22, 2022
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Popularized on Tiktok, and used similar to "Arc", they are the distinct periods in someone's life that contain different personas, usually meaning you get to reinvent yourself... or you could do anything and call it an era
"Men will never understand what it's like to be in ur fleabag era"
"idk about y’all but i’m in my baguette and cheese and flowers era"
by Sutam June 27, 2023
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Era or the most charming girl in the universe. it is sweet but sometimes it is like hell. it does not allow others to oppress or reject it. A strong girl even though she has gone through many challenges in life. When she gets nervous she wants to be with a single place and scream with all the power she has. Otherwise she is a very sociable and charming girl.
by Floriii November 28, 2021
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Era is a sexy ass mf she is popular and sweet but if you get on her bad side she won't forgive. Every guy wants her, girls are jealous of her, even though they got no reason to be. She's beautiful and will stand out in a crowd, but don't let her looks distract you from her witts as she's smart af. Obama out. Bless.
Guy1: Dam did y'all see era today

Guy2: ya she's so hot

Girl1: omg Era's so pretty

Girl2:i wish i could be her
by CreamyMf November 4, 2018
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