1: Calling a preexisting sexual position/sexual act by a nonconventional name.

2: An expression used when a person "invents", unknowingly, an already existing sexual novelty.
Ex. 1:

Bob: Dude, me and Linda totally did a double decker last night!

Frank: Bro, it's called 69. No need to reinvent the dildo.

Ex. 2:

Bob: I came up with this awesome idea last night. Just hear me out, but what if we video tape people doing it and put it on the internet??

Frank: Bob, it's called porn. Stop reinventing the dildo.
by Happenstances August 27, 2012
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The result of a massive dip or flash crash from a cryptocurrency asset. The opposite of going to the moon
I was one zero away from being debt free and then I saw the Red Dildo
by Amigospc May 11, 2021
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A town on the island of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

Dildo won the Harrowsmith Magazine Award in 2001 as one of the ten prettiest small towns in Canada. :)
Boy: Hey where are you from?

Girl: Dildo, Canada.

Boy: ...Wtf..?
by mistercity July 17, 2006
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Frodo Baggins had the ring.
Dildo Baggins had butt-sex with other men, elves, hobbits, and yes even dwarves.
by Moppe April 9, 2009
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A dildo that has blood on it because it was used while a girl was on her period so it has blood on it.

Also it can refered to as a bloody dildo when someone attacks another person with a dildo and gets blood on it.
Danny: dood i was giving a girl a fish eye and she was so pissed she pushed me off the bed and under the bed i saw a bloody dildo.

Zack: oh my god she had a bloody dildo under her bed?
by nocoke4uonlyme January 6, 2009
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FAILURE. One so depraved, believed to have sprouted from the murder hole-a person so pathetic. One who fails at everything. Furthermore inclined to take it in the ass by strange Craigslist dudes in a van behind 7-11. Additionally, one who is unable to complete simple tasks and shirks every responsibility. A ne'er do anything. A constant emotional, physical and financial drain on all, society in general. A dildo fuckhead is one who's bathing and hygienic practices are unknown. A person who smells like butt rape, soiled clothes and big foots dick. A dildo fuckhead is a truly vile person who's chance encounter will leave you with scarred visions and emotional trauma.
Craig stop being such a dildo fuckhead! I'm gonna hose you down and fuck you in the street.

Alexis that dude Aaron is a dildo fuckhead, how could you touch that thing!
by SocietyHouse January 13, 2010
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Two dildos strung together so they may be wielded like a weapon.
If anyone tries to rape me, I'll beat their ass with my dildo chucks.
by nastynick69 October 31, 2009
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