Damian is a super fun ass boy who will always make u laugh and is always calling u names and always making fun of you, he has the most prettiest eyes everrrr🫣and always wears hoodies🙀although he will block u and ghost u completely out of nowhere 😪
Damian blocked iliana🧟 ♀️
Damian died his hair blond when he was younger 🤭

Damian is a loserrr🥱
by Pinocchio😮‍💨🫶 June 9, 2022
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A bitch ass motherfucker who is not fun to be around and has a small penis, and a hairy asshole
Damian is a bitch bro
by Motherbitchhole November 28, 2021
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Typically have a huge dick, a straight badass, from the trenches 97% of the time.
Look at Damian B fucking yo bitch 😹
by damianbbbbbbbbbbb February 9, 2023
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A loser fuck, asshole cunt dumbass idiot fucknozzle who is reckless. Horribly cruel person disguised in cute package.
Damian is a dick.
by Cuntzilla3000 August 25, 2022
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He Is the most stupid kid ever he make stupid tutorials i swear dude,plays fortnite 24/7 trieds to acts like hes so cool if you meet or date him punch him the face cuase he has 20 on his report.
Your like a damian
by Ftrftfgrftgrgrft May 25, 2019
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People who are named Damian (usually identify as male) are really short. They are very sensitive about this.
"Did you see him? He's so short!"
"Obviously. He's a Damian."
by Crow/Erebus August 30, 2021
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