to be unsuccessful, usually in a competitive endeavor; to lose, often under unfortunate or exasperating circumstances.
Al Gore got half a million more popular votes than George W. Bush in the 2000 election, but since Bush won more electoral votes that sent Bush to the White House and left Gore to sniff a bicycle seat.
by Anthony Brancato August 23, 2003
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British indie rock band who are somewhat new. They're amazing and resemble other British bands, such as The Holloways, very closely.
Bombay bicycle club, fresh new indie music! What could be better...
by Marialejandra June 14, 2007
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The sound sex makes when you use a mashed-up banana as emergency lube.
We were on this camping trip, and we forgot to bring lube, so we mashed up a banana and used that. It sounded like riding with a sticky bicycle chain.
by tyberius47 May 20, 2011
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A british "indie rock" band, who sound like every other "indie rock" band. they have released various songs, but so far only one has been found. the "song" is around 55 minutes long, includes many pauses, and clean guitars with tons on reverb. it also includes the staple mark of an indie band: droning, atonal singing which sounds more like someone talking in a cockney accent rather than producing melodies, or even using more than one or two notes in their vocal range.
person 1: "have you heard bombay bicycle club?"

person 2: "no"

person 1: "have you heard any indie rock?"

person 2: "yes"

person 1: "then you've heard these guys..."
by McBobbyBrown May 2, 2010
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When a girl has a surprisingly long sexual history but you wouldn't know that by looking at her.

Like a kitty cat on a bicycle, that pussy might have racked up some high mileage, but it's still pretty adorable.
I found out my bookish girlfriend was really a Kitty Cat on a Bicycle when she did that thing with her tongue.
by joefxd August 9, 2016
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A vehicle with two or four limbs tandem, ears or hair for steering, a fleshy seat, and organs by which is is propelled.
“I have the shiniest meat bicycle!”
by Endless Ribs October 29, 2017
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