The outcome of a forced anal entry, results in bleeding. After passing wind forms a bloody belch.
Timmy raped his father resulting in a back door blood belch.
by Serial45 August 5, 2010
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The Brown Dog is barking at the back door. i.e. to have a shit.
I'll be back in a minute, the brown dog is barking at the back door
by mickotoole November 7, 2005
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To give someone (male or female) a seriously good fuck in the ass. So good it blows the doors off.
Shabba "I'll blow your back doors off."
Fit Girl "Get away from me you freak."
by Alex "FatSage" November 2, 2006
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the art of taking it up the arse.commonly referring to anal sex . hetro or homo .
dave mcguire loves getting his back door kicked in by Paul!

whats dave doing? - getting his back door kicked in !

let me kick your back door in you piece of shit!

you love getting your back door kicked in!
by nikstej February 13, 2009
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When someone sticks and electrical cord up someone else's Poopshoot,Cornhole or Asshole and countinues to make the motion of the device even though it is not turned on.
Hey Cletus wanna try the back door power cord up my Corn Hole?
by CrazyShiet November 16, 2013
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Taking a shiznazzle. Dropping the Cosby's off at the pool. Firing off a missle. Pinching a loaf. Breaking one off. Pooping. Shitting. A thick fart.
Oh snap, I went to toot and accidentally pushed the snake out the back door.
by bt March 5, 2003
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