I succ.
by Wowygary October 9, 2019
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When your friend sends another individual to do the "succ". It is like oral sex but has a better name. so the individual being sent to do the succ slides in the recivers dm's.
Hello i'm here to give you the succ xddddd
by Risk_Kapitalist October 4, 2017
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how many layers of irony are you on? like maybe 5 or 6 right now, my dude. you are like a baby, watch this... succ
by ImAPersonOnHereOk? September 22, 2020
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a nice suck so hard you can't even type right
succy succ
by 1hourmoar June 19, 2017
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Succ is a meme used by memes.
And by people like me.
It shows a picture of a bald fuck and usually blasts your ears with a person saying Succ.
John: oh hey Matt!
Matt: Succ.
by I'm going to rape myself March 15, 2017
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