Sonny is a smol Bean UwU
"UwU Sonny is such a smol bean UwU"
by Yeet ur dad November 4, 2019
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sonny is the hottest most pretty girl you’ll ever meet she’s so nice and sweet and will always put a smile on your face sometimes she has an attitude but she is and will always be the best friend you’ll ever have she has great style and is overall probably the best friend you’ll ever find. she is great and hot and sweet and talented
by sunshine girleeeeeeee August 10, 2022
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I really amazing boy who everybody will love
by May 4, 2022
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A guy who is not to say what everyone else in the room is thinking. He is an experienced fighter and strong. He attracts all the girls and is known to be hot amongst everyone. Everywhere he goes he stands out and is not afraid to beat the shit out of you just like sonny from the god father.
Boy 1: that’s sonny don’t get on his bad side
Girl 1: but he’s super hot

Boy 1: I guess but he is Known for fighting
Girl 1: at least he can protect me and he’s strong🥵
by Official urban dict January 15, 2022
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Sonny is a fraud
by JoeG12345 November 30, 2019
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sonny jade means “pogi / gwapo or handsome in english”.
your'e so sonny jade (handsome) bro.
by sjpogi March 5, 2022
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A common drink in palm springs generally drank before golf.

The term sonny Bono and a Caesar are interchangeable. Vodka, worchestershire sauce salt pepper and clamato juice make a sonny Bono.
by Markusdivinicus May 13, 2011
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