The act of bringing FUBAR to an entirely new level. Similar to Murphy’s Law, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, but completely due to ones own actions.
That guy was eating a piece of chicken and completely Scottied. He had to have surgery to remove the bone from his throat.

He was putting up a deer stand and Scottied. Still not sure how he broke his thumb strapping in a deer stand.

While attempting to cook dinner, that dude Scottied. Oven caught fire and almost burned down the house.
by Sierratwohotel June 19, 2018
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A slip n slide, but instead of water, it’s sloppy slot juice!
Oh man, last night I did a Sloppy Slotty Scotty and I can still smell it.
by brosef91 November 19, 2022
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scotty vee means cool. too cool. like "ice cold". he is your bro. he is your homie. this homie is ice cold!
fo sho cuz!
shout outs to all the NCC....
P.I.M.Ps, Homies & Playas...
Ladyz, Gays & Fellas..
Goths, Nerds, Punks & Gees
meet me+scotty vee!
up-down side Sydney
see, u is a vee!
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A creepy man usually wearing a sports cap for a team he doesn’t go for, likes getting teenage girls pregnant
Oh look there’s a scotty J, RUN
by Moomoo1793 September 16, 2020
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Scotty Sends is the type of guy you bring home. The type of friend you want by your side. The type of competition you never want to challenge you. The type of lover you want to hold you. Scotty Sends is more than just a person, he’s an inspiration and a true legend.
YOooOo did he just send it?”
“Yeah bro, that’s Scotty Sends for ya”
by sopholow February 29, 2020
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scottie the reaper comes from the shadows of texas in the dark a stand alone amazing conceptual artist, no true way to define or understand his art because he has never said anything in depth about it. it speaks for itself.
have you even seen scottie the reapers mustang in real life? no?! that's because it will kill you!!
by prestin33 April 9, 2021
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A delicious knock off cola from 1965-1966 and Mary's (from Kids on Bikes) favorite cola.
"Mary loved drinking a cold Scottie's Brew while working at her dad's bike shop.
by Kids on Bike Fan June 24, 2019
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