When you run away from the cops but you're drunk and think you're protesting against coyotes.
I had a drunk pwotest *coughcough* i mean drunk protest UWU UWU
by Wizodin September 27, 2020
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Is a euphemism for eating out one's ass intensely, referring to the meme of a dude eating out another dude's ass while on the news report about a violent protest in Minneapolis.
"I was with this girl last night and things got hot and heavy. I ended up doing a Violent Protest in Minneapolis to her."
by violentprotestinminneapolis November 7, 2021
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"Hey bro, can i get in the bathroom? I need to get to class"

"Can it wait 5 minutes? I'm protesting Hillary"
by Honeybadger1975 April 19, 2017
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From the current president and his proxies, a warning to shut up or be shot.
"Our country allows you to protest peacefully, but there is no reason for violence," said Melania, as Trump threatened to unleash the army on Americans.
by Monkey's Dad June 2, 2020
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A person who joins in the latest trend of anti establishment demonstrations, to show the world how “woke” they are. Can usually be found posting their outrage on social media straight after the mass media reports an indiscretion. Stating how they have supported this cause all their lives. Before quickly moving onto the next headline and abandoning the previous cause and even contradicted themselves.
by Aftermath COVID 19 June 9, 2020
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A person who joins a march, demonstration or protest to voice his concern or frustration about an unrelated issue.
There was a peaceful May Day march in Seattle last year, but many piggyback protesters got involved and things became violent.
by FreyerTuck April 27, 2016
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”Protest Pop” is a genre of music coined by Sa’ra Charismata. It is pop music with conscious lyrics and a healing message. Charismata has lead this movement since before 2013.
Charismata described her early style of music as "Protest Pop," a term she coined herself. Afropunk has previously described Charismata as "the quintessential revival of the modern protest song in pop music" and "an outspoken voice that mainstream media may never acknowledge.
by ChachuGualey September 3, 2021
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