when jens jakob sees a faucet or a towel. he shall pee in the faucet and shit in the towel
"fuck, jens jakob is coming over. better lock my bathroom and hide my towels"
by dillerdrengen123 May 10, 2022
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Jens-Jakob is the absolute essence of the homosexual population. Where ever he goes, he shall cream every homoerotic person in sight. However, this is not Jens-Jakob's fault. He simply just looks too gay for people to comprehend, so their natural instinct naturally is to ejaculate. He is also a master in the art of drawing dicks, which he attends to every day after breakfast.

Some people call him a madman.
"Oi! I think I just creamed my bloody pants!"
"Yeah, so did I. Probably because of Jens-Jakob over there."
"Ahh yeah you're right. I'm feeling blasted at the sight of that lad."
by yallahhanees May 14, 2019
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He is a bad ass man! He loves to do somethink with other gurls and is a small fuc*boy. He is a good kisser but bad in bed.
I just love Hans Jakob
by BadGirlFromHeaven January 2, 2017
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A "Hans Jakob" is a introverted male teenager who is kinda handsome, a little bit of a class clown but not populare, not at all sporty he has a small group of friends that he likes to hang out with.
That New kid is kinda a Hans Jakob
by Henrkn July 25, 2019
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A league semi pro, that was born in 1999, is above 169 cm and weights less than 50 kg of flesh and bone, no fat he a skinny boi. Has a Mexican gf that teaches toddlers to speak englando or some shit like that. In the league community he used to be a toxic yasuo/zed player that would blame everyone for being bad, but now he has changed his ways, and is playing chogath top or the infamous "Mads costplay" strategy, witch basically is picking garen top and running it down while screaming at the top of your lungs "MADS COSTPLAY".
Jens:Jakob Jørgerenseren you suck LOL!
Everts: Here Jakob Jørgerenseren a peace offering, plz no flame!
by Cartoon COON October 26, 2018
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A league semi pro, that was born in 1999, is above 169 cm and weights less than 50 kg of flesh and bone, no fat he a skinny boi. Has a Mexican gf that teaches toddlers to speak englando or some shit like that. In the league community he used to be a toxic yasuo/zed player that would blame everyone for being bad, but now he has changed his ways, and is playing chogath top or the infamous "Mads costplay" strategy, witch basically is picking garen top and running it down while screaming at the top of your lungs "MADS COSTPLAY".
Jens:Jakob Jørgerenseren you suck LOL!
Everts: Here Jakob Jørgerenseren a peace offering, plz no flame!
by Cartoon COON October 26, 2018
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He is the best person in the world and everybody likes him. He is smart, funny, great at everything, super funny, good looking, super smart and he likes to be awesome
Jakob Foran is the best
by George not found June 27, 2022
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