To have your time wasted by a guy that will show you dumb shit he put on urban dictionary.
I got danned by Kat who wanted to show me some dumb shit on urban dictionary.
by thatgirlthatgotdanned March 3, 2017
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A nickname if someone named Daniel
The baby is named Daniel,but since he is so cute, I caled him Little Dan Dan
by Damiel1234567 April 17, 2020
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A word that can be used when you replace it for another word with one syllable
I'd Dan ! her
I'm Dan !
Dan ! feel like running
Hmmmm Dan !
Man !
by Man ! April 13, 2010
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An acronym for "Dumb Ass Nigger" that you call the black people at your work.
Racist: Oh, hey Dan!

Black co-worker: That's not my name, why do you call me that?
by Jimmy Long-Pants January 26, 2019
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a fucking braindead homosexual who contracted autism because his parents forgot to vaccinate him and dropped him on the head as a child. he got rejected by a person who likes him which is already a fucking feat that fucking osama bin laden couldnt recreate.
dans such a fucking retard.
stop comparing those poor autistic kids to him.
by iwanttobetracerfuckoff December 28, 2018
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dan is maybe the person you know who over reacts the most, all of his friends get sick of his winging and wishes he would get a grip and grow some balls
Friend1: hey, did you hear about dan crying last night

Friend2:yeah I did but c'mon when is dan not crying
by timmytom122 September 13, 2014
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