To pass out, either from extreme tiredness or while under the influence
Did you see John after the party? He was necked on the front lawn!
by pseudosae December 27, 2021
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When they throw up on your dick while giving head.
She was drinking and shortly after she gave me that volcanic neck.
by The-Legend-27 December 18, 2016
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A woman who keeps talking about sucking your dick but never does it.
"You said you were going to suck my dick.Elevator neck"
by GODEVERYTHINGREALLY1 September 14, 2017
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a condition that causes neck pain from watching the numbers on a long elevator ride.
bro this elevator is so slow, i think i'm starting to get elevator neck
by pikachu5159 June 19, 2022
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Typically defines a millennial who spends too much time looking at his cell phone (with his neck bent). Origin of phrase: Rich T.- SW Florida
I have no internet on my phone because of all the darn “bent necks” in the neighborhood using up all the data right now!
by Aquatic Rich April 12, 2020
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the soreness acquired in your neck after oral sex to a male or one with a penis
"My neck hurts so bad after I stayed at Jackson's place"
"girl.. you got thot neck"
by half-a-sandwitch February 5, 2018
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emma been kissin her cousins. now that’s what i call a retarded red neck!” 🤣
by mr.sean m August 30, 2019
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