The Smoking Tree (noun) is that one place at or near your high school where all the where stoners would go to smoke with minimized fear of getting caught. For example, at my high school the smoking tree is so big, it's leaves/pines conceal the smokers inside, so they will noy get caught.
The Smoking Tree refers to any place, not just huge trees, where people can smoke safely.
"Yo Tyrone, lets go drive to The Smoking Tree

during the lunch break so we can roll up this fat blunt."
by Yaboi AV November 2, 2017
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Fade (or Smoke) is a term used to describe the action of a fight taking place.
1. "You don't want this fade/smoke."
2. " Hey, I heard you was talking shit, you don't want this fade."
by SPXCTRE December 10, 2022
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When the dick so lit she gotta hit it twice...
"My girlfriend said she's wants to come over but doesn't want to get high tonight. Shittt, She Better smoke this DICKK!" OR "What she got that good throat!? Shittt, She Better Smoke This DICKKK!" OR "My girlfriend has been promising to suck my dick all day. Just as she was about to do it, she decided to go for a cigarette. Just as she opened the door to leave i replied; 'Shitttt, You Better Smoke this DICKKK!!"
by WIENE May 5, 2020
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A small imaginary creature that makes loud noises and wakes people up.
Matt- "That smoke detector bird sounds hungry?"

Brad-"Don't worry hunter will feed him soon. Can't cook without burning food"
by BigDog9 April 22, 2017
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A smoking howitzer is a hidden fact so important in any investigation that when it is uncovered a smoking gun pales in comparison.
When the police discovered what the criminal had done, the chief said: "Forget about the smoking gun what we have here is a smoking howitzer.
by Rocking Robin June 29, 2023
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Fake Weed. Half of the time just grass or paper.
I bought some weed from my usual dealer but the little ass hole sold me smoke feed.
by Vinnie V. December 13, 2006
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