Tommy:You mum gay
Me:Your mum on some gay shit
Tommy:no u
Me:*kills Tommy*
by e diffs fg March 6, 2018
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A union between two men or two women, allowing them to have the exact same set of legal rights as those possessed by heterosexual spouses. These include rights such as hospital visitation. A step beyond civil union, gay marriage will at last give LGBT partners the security that every family, whether m/f, m/m, or f/f, deserves.
Since gay marriage was approved in my state, I am now allowed to visit my husband when he is sick in the hospital.
by Megumi March 4, 2004
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When a gay man enters into a relationship with a man that wears the same size shirts, pants, and shoes, thereby doubling the size of both men's wardrobe.
"Dave totally hit the gay lottery dating Brad because now he has twice as many clothes to wear!"
by J.R.N November 6, 2007
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A straight person who is flirtatious with people of the same sex for the self esteem boost and personal satisfaction, sometimes also known as a closet case.
God dammit Jimmy you're such gay bait, no wonder you can't keep the boys away.
by standardsoil February 8, 2007
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A term best known as being used by the band Mindless Self Indulgence. A mix of wicked and gay, thus wicked gay! It's a good thing.
by Narcissus November 3, 2004
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Ever see one of them people that is so whipped by their girlfriend that it actually makes them homosexual.
Get, Jason, are you around?

No, I'm with my girlfriend.

Jason, you are so gay.
Guys, Jason is gay
by Cobster98 February 16, 2016
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a man who is a breeder but will take to occassional blow job from a guy but will not return the favour.
by malt May 29, 2003
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