Unsuspecting person: I want a pet!
Guinea pig: Squeak squeak (Translation: I just sold my soul. I would like to eat you now.)
Unsuspecting person: Oh my god I want it! I'm naming her Angel!
News reporter: Unsuspecting person was murdered and eaten in their own house by Angel the guinea pig...
by meljogo March 10, 2021
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basically a series/collection of japanese gore movies. All containing blood, mutilation, murder, and torture. I do not recommend watching it, it is very graphic and contains lots and lots of gore. You have been warned (there are 6 movies in there)
person 1: Have you seen the guinea pig movies? That is some sick stuff

person 2: Yeah.. Yikes, that was really bad

person 1: Agreed..
by slay queen girlboss fr October 28, 2022
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Scientific name is Cavia porcellus. Guinea pigs are some of the cutest littel things on earth. They make the cutest noises u can ever hear, are cute and chubby, and fulla fun!!
by AsianPowerr666 May 5, 2020
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A very squeaky animal that needs food 100% of the time. When they hear anything that is similar to their treats opening or food bags, they start to scream with excitement which most people interpret as; FOOD I WANT FOOD GIVE ME FOOD.
"My Guinea Pig is a food hog."
"Guinea Pigs are strange but adorable creatures."
"Guinea Pigs are great pets."
"I have a Guinea Pig, It is a lot of work."
by Sailor May April 16, 2020
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