The American/British name for European football. (Disputed) It’s a complex sport favored by many in the world. But let’s just clear this up, DIFFERENT PEOPLE CAN ENJOY DIFFERENT SPORTS. Sthu about this “pussy sport” shit. Every sport has its difficulties; soccer players have to play a ninety minute game mostly using only their feet, requiring skill and talent(which many ignore) and when they get injured, it’s usually pretty bad, American football players have a variety of hardships such as ramming straight into other players using their bodies as a human wall getting pummeled and pummeling back, wide receivers sprint down the length of the field catching a one pound ball that flies toward you at sixty miles an hour facing a risk of breaking every bone in ur hand and wrist , baseball players hit balls flying toward them at circa 100 miles an hour facing down the risk of being hit, which can injure severely. So let’s just end this pussy shit. In fact, this was just a way of dissing upper middle class little caucasian kids running around while their moms pay thousands of dollars for club sports. This wasn’t even started for dissing the sport. I play football, baseball and soccer, and they’re each challenging in their own ways. Baseball requires coordination, football requires strength, and soccer requires agility. But do you know what they all need? Effort. So let’s settle this argument once and for all.
Soccer is not a pussy sport, nor is football or baseball, or any sport for that matter.
by Oldhickorycwock April 21, 2019
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A sport that is played all over the world. Is called football to all non - u.s. people. Soccer is amazing and a better sport then most other ones.
The middle school soccer team one ever single game except one which was against professionals.
by Soccer4628 May 9, 2017
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A soccerer is someone who plays soccer.
Example: a footballer plays football which is 🏈 and a soccerer plays this: ⚽️
by McTrix July 12, 2020
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The best sports in the world, not just for other countries, but in America too! So stop ripping on us 'cause we like football! I mean Americans can rip on people too you know? i LOVE soccer, I play in three leagues so don't go and say Americans hate soccer (football)

I personally don't get football its dumb and HELLO they use their hands! It also stops like evry five seconds for shit so it goes for 4-5 hours!

Soccer takes skill and endurance, I'd like to see a football player run 5 miles (8K) in one game! They MUST keep in shape, whereas football players can be fat as hell (take a look at the defensive line).
by dogglefoxkvk July 5, 2009
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Sure it takes skill, sure it takes dedication. I know that because Ive played the game. But American Football is a real man game. Theres collisions at over 80 mph (Sport Science proved it), the only reason they wear a shit load of pads is so they don't die!! They have to memorize like a billion plays, make reads off the other team, watch game film of themselves and the other team, they have to be able to tackle people who are sometimes 250 pounds, they have to be able to catch (while being tackled too), they have to be able to throw accurately and far, they have to run extremely fast. Football players may only have to run for a couple of seconds but those few seconds take more out of you then a whole 10 minutes in soccer. These football players are the world's greatest athletes. We americans and canadians watch your version of football. Maybe you should try watching ours for once
Soccer. Watch the Superbowl on February 6th. Just give it a try
by American Football 11 January 14, 2011
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A word used instead of football by idiot Americans
Person 1: Do you like soccer?
Person 2 (From UK): *facepalm*
by Eminemlookalike March 21, 2015
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Chavies all around England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Brazillians enjoy playing this lame ass sport. You wanna real sport, play basketball, or REAL American football.
Chav: Oy mush, you wanna go n' play sum' footy?
Normal person: No, I aint a litle girl!
by Elem July 2, 2005
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