The 3 phases of marriage
Lust, Rust, Dust

Lust - when the flame is there
Rust - when the flame hasn't been there for a while
Dust - time for a divorce
by TheDutchDutchess February 19, 2011
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The state of existence where every thought is dominated by the sexiness of French Revolutionary Camille Desmoulins. All other habits cease, and the victim drools over google images, books, and films pertaining to Camille Desmoulins.
Keegan: Let's see... the capital of Azerbaijan is... oh god.. Camille.... you sexy place tonight.... my parents aren't home...leave Horace with Robespierre... hnnnng

Doctor: Son, you've got a bad case of Irrational Desmoulins Lust. This requires some serious treatment, and I need to start you on a round of hormone relaxers immediately.
by rageofmarat July 14, 2011
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The Oliver Lust Stomp is a beckoning dance maneuver, only to be performed by individuals who possess both "stamina" and "money". The general idea is to pick out the most attractive men in given club. Sweet talk is then carried out, usually with the incorporation of a nice camera. At this point, the score is for certain. However, the Oliver Lust Stomp can take place before or after getting the prize. Note that the prize seems to be heterosexuals (confused?) with incredible abs.

The maneuver begins with raising the right leg, and meeting the arms in front of the chest, making an X. Then, in a single move, stomp using the right foot, and separate and stretch out arms diagonal to the body. The dance move is best accompanied with confused individuals who are amazed at the score. Music is preferably Iranian techno.
"Julie, did you see that middle-aged guy creepin' at the club?"

"Most definitely. He performed that Oliver Lust Stomp and nailed the hottie. I saw the picture on his Blackberry."
by all at zinc April 14, 2009
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A movement in satanism that says that you should have sex several times a day every day no matter what it takes. It says that sex is the meaning and purpose of life. The movement is devoted to satan and lust.
by Deep blue 2012 November 11, 2009
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The art of gyrating in such a manner that ones balls and penis sway back and forth between the anus and belly button. Resulting in a loud slapping sound.
My alabama lust thrust was loud as shit!
by LaWnDaRt420 May 4, 2010
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(noun) A lust sick puppy is sometimes confused for a love sick puppy. They are quite similar..but to tell the difference you need to know what love and lust are. Lust is physical attraction and love is emotional attraction. But that still doesnt make sense.. So what is a love sick puppy? Someone who is so deeply in love/craving love that they ignore everything. That would make a lust sick puppy someone who craves lust and love(that may or may not derive from lust).

A lust sick puppy is sometimes confused with a whore.
OMG she is such a lust sick puppy.A swear..She is such a whore, they way she goes guy after guy looking for love.. And in the end the only thing they had in common was sex..

Hey it's not her fault.. She just wound up in a lot of bad relationships.
by Faye Marie June 11, 2006
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You are crushing hard on someone when another person informs you of something bad about your crush.
Amber: Wow! That British boy, Oliver, is sooooooo cute! I'd like to get at him!
Jessy: You do know it's not custom for British boys to be circumsized, right?
Amber: Oh...well that's a lust kill...
by LoveThoseBritishBoys October 23, 2010
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