Gaming terminology to describe the act of getting killed numerous times over, gifting the other team an easy win.

Often associated with ' You're A Colin '.
Ending the round with double-figure deaths & the solitary kill - it doesn't matter how many times you die
by IDontLikeCreative April 26, 2022
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A rhetorical question aimed to degrade a person’s true passions to exemplify the more sophisticated interests of another, especially when trying to serve an example of how much (or how little) substance someone has to offer in the context of online dating.
Wow, John is a very well educated fella with a deep passion for reading books on domestic policies across democratic nations, he can certainly get women with all those smarts! How about you, Will, so how did you find out about lil peep?
by A/b/rolol June 27, 2019
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1. Said by someone who has a very obvious unrequited gay crush on someone who remains oblivious to his flirtations. Usually said after doing the thousandth favor for him for free, despite massive actual personal cost.

A humorous reference to the epic line uttered by Jack Twist to Ennis del Mar (RIP Heath) in the film Brokeback Mountain.
Dude 1: Thanks for the coffee. You didn't have to walk through 600 km of hot dry desert, cross an ocean of razorblades, and defeat 10,000 dragons just to get me one.

Dude 2: Oh it was nothing. Anything for you. *stares longingly at Dude 1 as he sits down*

Dude 1: Why are you staring at me?

Dude 2: I wish I knew how to quit you...
by I ate your Pie, deal with it October 3, 2010
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A jokingly-sarcastic way of making light of a truly serious situation --- Abe was **shot to death** at the play's "ending", for goodness' sake!! :P
A couple of excellent occasions to dust off da ol' "So aside from the ending, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?" gag would be if either someone has just been helped out of the mud and is so incredibly soiled that he's having to be stripped naked and cleaned off with a pressure-washer, or you go to visit him in the hospital after a serious accident and he's all swathed in casts and bandages and/or hooked up to a myriad of tubes and wires, and so you're trying to cheer him up a little.
by QuacksO September 16, 2018
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A question asked to spot the kinky ones in a group.
Guy: How many do you like in your ear?

Girl: Usually 3 but I can do up to 5 after I’ve had a few drinks ;)
by ponyspank69 April 29, 2021
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