Slang used amongst the Iranian american community of Los Angeles, short for the Farsi word “hoseleh”. Which translates to something along the lines of “energy” “patience” “effort”
I have no hoss to go to the mahboobeh’s wedding.

My girl friend is being a bitch, no hoss for her today.

Wow, driving to the valley is way too much hoss
by LAPersian310 February 27, 2021
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A hoss is an absolute alpha male unit. He gets all the hottest bitches and other men fear him. A hoss pulls up to the 10 year reunion and hops out of a blacked out Cullinan wearing a $8000 Tom Ford suit, an iced out Patek that costs $150K, and a gorgeous foreign model on his arm. He walks into a bar and women start to touch themselves and lesser men cower away and avert their gaze.
As a verb: I'm boutta go into this bar and hoss on some fools
As a noun: Owen Weitzenhoffer is a fucking hoss.
by Beeph69 December 5, 2021
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The nickname that fat bastard gave himself at tesoro.One who thinks of nothing but ways to step on employees toes to achieve personal gain.
Hoss cut hours,cut maintenance cost,and FIRED drivers for bogus reasons just to BROWNNOSE and to gain faith from the execs so he could recieve a larger bonus at the end of the year. His motto-"FUCK THE DRIVERS CAUSE THEY ARE NOTHING BUT A DIME A DOZEN!"
by coastworm November 15, 2003
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one who is a beast that can basically do anything he wants. He is usually loved by all and a ladies man. He could break anyone or anything in half. Hoss is a compliment.
Man, that Kenny Dale Whortley is a hoss. He could kill a freshman with one stare down.
Hey hoss lets take our asses to the steakhouse
by John LaCross May 15, 2019
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Hoss is an ugly ass kid. You might find one with braces and probably a perm. There are a lot of hoss’s that act gangster and all hard and all that. But on the inside he’s just very soft and has been broken a lot. So hoss’s are about 5’7,or 5’8. They tend to think they can fight but they really can’t. And they might play you so watch out for that! But besides all that. Just keep him as your friend
Girl 1- Omg is that hoss over there🤢
Girl 2- Yea he just broke up with his girl and now he’s with another one.
Girl 1- Obviously he don’t care about girl’s hearts.
Girl 2- Yea he don’t.
Girl 1- What a pos.
by Ptaradactal123 April 25, 2020
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A very strong man that would fight a grizzle bear with his bare hands, but yet is a very kinda loving person at the same time. He is very smart and can fix anything. Born in cassopolis Michigan
That big ol boy is a hoss,
by Tatstacker December 12, 2020
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A man that gets virtually everything he wants (esp. women). He is well known for his confidence. Often well-hung.
See that guy in the cowboy hat and boots? He’s a hoss.
by Wickedsleight July 11, 2023
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