Down and derby
During a foursome, swingers or couples swap. Placing the females side by side in a doggy style position. Their lovers /counterparts grab their hair/ponytail (s) from behind, after they have entered. Begin riding as if you are in the "Kentucky derby" seeing who gets to the "finish line" first. Slap your ladies ass and exclaim faster. Hold on tight
Hearing the trumpet play at the Kentucky derby reminded me of the time we went "down and derby" with that couple from Philadelphia. Gotta have better odds of finishing first.
by Donkeypunch2 March 16, 2022
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When a group of buddies get together and pair up. One jerks the other off until he cums. First to come wins the race!
I can’t wait for the penis derby this year. I love being gay with my friends!
by Jared Softturds December 24, 2022
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Noun: An abbreviation for Kentucky Derby,
A marijuana smoking game where you take a drag by preferred method of inhalation (joint, blunt, bowl, bong, vaporizer, etc..) as you are leaving your place of residence, you hold in the smoke until you arrive at your vehicle.

Warning: It is possible to pass out, so remember your consciousness is more important than winning the game. If you're a loser, that is.
Smoker #1: "Hey...wanna go get some t-bell?"
Smoker #2: "Obviously, do you wanna k-derby this dude?"
Smoker #1: "Absolutely, fantastic idea if I do say so myself. Off we go then."
by k@thyl& July 31, 2010
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Scoring 4 goals in an ice hockey game.
Chris: Sakic has 7 goals
Mike : 1 more makes a double brown derby!
by Jersey716 March 5, 2022
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Like the Kentucky mud truck special but you basically are fucking a girl with her face down ass up and she pus her legs around your waist and you run around the room with her while yall still fucking and she shits on your dick and you nut in her ass while you do it to make truffle butter and then after u nut you slam her on her head in a powerbomb like motion into the truffle butter
Dude, I brought Sarah to the Alabama Mud Derby last night!!
by BIGHEAD BITCH December 29, 2018
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No not South Normanton just Normanton, when first travelling to Normanton (Which is located near Derby) i thought i was in Saudi arabia, it was so rough and looked like a fucking warzone, everyone you looked at was just pure scrubbers and during my visit i got stared down at by a bald bloke rolling a ciggy while at the traffic lights. Luckily i made it out alive from the horrific visit i made so even though South normo is shit as it is just stick to there instead.
Person 1: You ever been to Normanton Derby?
Person 2: What south normo?
Person 1: No the rougher version near Derby
by Pillcock January 19, 2022
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When a group of elderly women use strap on to gang rape somebody.
I heard those ladies have golden derby on the farm.
by Fluffaroo November 2, 2019
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