Yeetus yeetus delete the fetus is a fun way of saying "Lets get an abortion!" or "Delete the baby!" It's perfect for any type of event with a pregnant lady. Like a party, a concert, your wife who your getting a divorced with, or your neighbors wife who you have tried to have a baby with!
Person 1: *Grabs a coat hanger* Alright, honey, come here.
Person 2: Please no! Don't yeetus yeetus delete the fetus!
Person 1: TOO LATE!
by Dumb_Trxsh March 23, 2020
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The standard sentence that replaces moderated messages on GameFAQs forums. Appears in brackets without anything else in the post. Knowing GameFAQs mods, you'll see it alot.

If you see about five or more in a row, you know shit went down.
This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator


This example was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator
by Lapbunny December 5, 2009
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when a thot posts a pic on Instagram with the caption 'felt cute might delete x'. This post is usually late at night when she's sad and lonely and wants some phat attention. Most often a mirror selfie or a face selfie - this post, more often than not does not end up getting deleted.
bro 1: bro, did you see what Jessica posted on Instagram?
bro 2: yea, it was a 'felt cute might delete x'
bro 1: HA LOL
by suckmytoebro August 21, 2019
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"Delete and forget" is the eversion of "forgive and forget."
Occurs when an email is written hastily, usually late at night, under the influence of exhaustion, alcohol, drugs, anger, ignorance, stupidity--all the usual urban stuff.
"SEND" is hit too quickly and shit happens.
After many more emails, calls, texts, etc--there is mutual agreement to "D&F" (DELETE and FORGET)
I shouldn't have sent that email last nite to the hot new intern. When I reread it this morning, I coulda died. But we talked and stuff--and agreed to "DELETE and FORGET (also, D&F)".
Otherwise, my ass be fryin in HR.
by Wyeth October 3, 2009
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An auto-replacement for a message than an idiot wrote in an online forum, public or private, that was either so offensive, so irrelevant, so non-sensical or so off-topic that it was erased. In other words, you're not missing anything when you see this.
Message Board Entry
Message Board Entry
Message Board Entry
"This message was deleted at the request of a Moderator or Administrator"
by AllegraD- June 28, 2005
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