I would like my penis belong to celebrities, so I call him Dick von Zipper.
I call my penis -- Dick von Zipper
by surfwww1 June 7, 2004
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US Air Force slang for a pilot.

The zipper suit refers to a flight suit - the one-piece garment worn by air crew members.
Check out the Zipper-Suited Sun God over there, acting like he owns this bar.
by Bill gronos July 2, 2009
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ok its pritty much a dude's cock....its used to talk crap to women that dont understand what that fucking means so pritty much your only use it if you wanna talk crap...
hey ladies, i would be carful because my one-eyed zipper snake is let lose and it might just eat you out.
by i talk shit September 3, 2009
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the phycological disorder over the placement of your zipper on clothes, bookbags, and ect. But when someone messes up the placement of said zipper, this may result in great anger and immediate replacement of the zipper.
Urrrg, you just messed up my zipper, now my zipper placement disorder is kicking in.
by Wibl Kilvn February 1, 2009
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When drivers try to merge onto the highway zipper-style and the vehicles both on the merge ramp and in the lane of travel come to a complete stop.
You were nearly to work on time but you got hung up CATCHING YOUR DICK IN THE ZIPPER BECAUSE NOBODY ON 422 CAN FUCKING DRIVE!!!
by #Fired December 18, 2019
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Tits sagging so bad You have to be careful they dont get caught in your zipper when zipping up your pants or shoes when tying your laces
Some examples of zippered nipples or laced nipple syndrome are:
Queen Latifah
Oprah Winfrey
Rosie O'donell
the fat guy on the street
by Nutty irish sicko June 10, 2009
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a) a synonym phrase for "there are two sides (or more) to every story"

b) (forensic/criminal investigations, often used sarcastically): if you can't see the evidence, it doesn't mean it doesn't or can't exist.

c) (legal system): assuming that the defendant is not so severely mentally ill that even medications won't help, there is/should be/must be a motive to every crime.

d) a phrase meaning, everybody involved in the judicial system has their own motivations for acting the way they do.
based on the definitions above, especially definition d) CNN features a show called Death Row Stories because some prosecutors still need to learn what the phrase men wear pants in the relationship, but women control the zipper means.
by Sexydimma April 17, 2014
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