Just a disgusting collection of roadkill and compost that you put on vegetation, usually cannabis, in order to boost its nutrients and allows it to grow faster and healthier.
The plants that I put the "Okey-doke, Ju-wack, & Puck" on has grown much faster then then others!
by Cat Blackbone March 21, 2022
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a term used to excuse yourself out of a conversation
hey i hate to leave but i gotta make like a hockey stick and get the puck out of here.

k see ya
by ¢R@Z¥ L3&$ December 27, 2010
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Is when you have a fucking chode thats thicker than the taint your fucking so your just ramming it against the vagina
Dude i had to make a horse puck last night
by Daddy trump November 5, 2017
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Slang term for a urinal deodorizer puck especially if it involves putting one filled with piss in someones mouth
Tyler: Whats Up, Ya Little Bitch. Ya Tyler's Bitch.
Andy: Watch the Language, Tyler.
Tyler: Whatcha gonna do about, huh pussy, u gonna "'cwy" about it to ur mommy and daddy, u little fuckin' cwybaby?
Andy: Thats it, you little punk. Hand over the phone and computer.
Tyler: U think ur tough now, you little faggot, u think ur fuckin' tough now.
Andy: Hand me your phone and computer now. You smartass.
Tyler: Since when is a cwybaby my dad, I thought my dad was a tough, strong man. Hey, whats this? A Narc Puck? Ooh la la, its got piss all over it.
Andy: Get in the corner now, you little punk!
Tyler: Nope, put the narc puck in ur mouth, u little punk, put it in ur motherfuckin' mouth, faggot.
by Fortnite1500 November 13, 2019
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Anal sex with a female who has diarrhea. The sloppy kind. You take an egg forming stencil for the McDonalds egg mcmuffin and let it drip from the tip of the old yogurt cannon. Once it solidifies, you punch the girl in the face "hockey style", and slip the sludge puck back up the processed food removal orafice.
Man, that chick tried to stop the old sneaky sludge puck maneuver last night.
by OldGregFool January 8, 2020
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The act of putting your penis onto a very ugly looking boy called theo
by ggggMANLIKEY October 25, 2017
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Dude, are you done in the bathroom? I ate so much Chinese food, bro, I’m about to drop the puck!!
by 420mason January 1, 2021
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