word used when one is annoyed with friend, shituations, and life in general
When Sagan tells Erin that she will never get laid Erin replys with "meh"
by Sag0302 May 8, 2008
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A word to describe someone you have awesome conversations with. A person that you can always have coffee and cigarettes with & laugh about stupid things.
While Eric and Mary sat at walmart drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes they realized that they were Mehs.
by meabeeeitch23 March 23, 2011
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Meh is a word that comes from eh which is thrown around. But Meh can be used in many different cases it has three meanings.
1.Meaning to not care for and/or about.
2.A respond to something you are not paying attention to and have no interest for.
3.Meaning not of a big deal.
Mom: Want to go to the carnival?
Me: Meh......
Me: Did you know bees only live about.....
You: Meh.....
Mom: Johnny and Billy died yesterday in a car crash.
You: Meh..............
by NeverTalks May 15, 2011
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A random expression used to express little to no interest in something.

One of many carbo-isms
by Carbo-nation September 6, 2007
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an expression of bored semi-sadness
Im feeling meh today. Meh
by mayrod March 15, 2005
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a word invented by the greatest show ever, The Simpsons.

it was used in the episode Hungry Hungry Homer originally aired on March 04 2001.
Homer: Kids, how would you like to go to ... Blockoland!
Bart + Lisa: Meh.
Homer: But the TV gave me the impression that --
Bart: We said, "Meh!"
Lisa: M-e-h, meh.
by boshk March 9, 2005
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