some weirdo with no life that likes snapchat and afraid if some one takes her phone
Hey Jamie can i use your phone " f off"
by carl_62648 October 26, 2018
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His bones are not officially strong they can be easily broken by anyon.
by Sa em March 4, 2017
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Super hot sexy male who gets lots of bj's

And is a loyal friend
Omg your so got Jamie let me play with you
by Jamiesupermonster January 10, 2017
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Jamie is a typical gender nuteral name, people with the name Jamie are normally brutally honest and people just assume they are bitchy, nicknames for Jamie include, gaymie, jam (pronounced like jame), and jam jam (pronounce like jam as in jam on toast)
“Jamie is such a Sagittarius
by Uselesslesbisn July 11, 2018
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A kind light skin nigga with a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE PENIS and he is also a good person to hang out with and he also likes PS4 and IPhone
“Jamie” has a massive dick
by Jamie131 October 28, 2018
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A name commonly used for girls in America. However, English Jamies are DEFINATELY BOYS and there should be no confusion as to their gender.
Person 1: "Hey, have you heard about that Jamie person?"
Person 2: "Yeah, I heard he definitely had a penis and absolutely no female genitalia"
by MaleJamie December 2, 2013
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a skinny girl, usually blonde , outgoing but usually annoying shes hardcore but only cause she has sharp elbows. "jamie" usually is dumb. the blonde is what effects a jamie to be smart. jamies a most likely to be a slut, whore, or hoe, one to send nude pics to a variety of guys. a jamie usually fails the grade 10 literacy tesg.
guy1: whats your girl like!

guy2: she like a jamie!!
by SnAkinThetrutH June 8, 2018
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