when a really usually hot in-shape guy is seen with his huge whale-ish girlfriend and makes all the hot and worthy women really mad.
bystander 1.) oh my gosh look at that guy!! he is soooo hot!

bystander 2.) i know but look he belongs to a cushion couple..

bystander 1.) what a shame.

bystander 2.) we always lose the hot ones to the hephers..
by kshizzle2120 September 3, 2009
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on a couch with three seats, the middle cushion is where a guy gets a hummer.
eric got a bj from her, he was sitting on the middle cushion
by dipdippidpid March 30, 2017
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An expelling of air from one’s butt into a cushion, making an obnoxious grinding-like noise.
Brenda: what the he’ll kind of fart was that?
Bob: yeah! It was a real cushion grinder!!
by Ale house 1 April 17, 2019
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The act of blowing air into one's anus and punching one in the stomach causing a forceful fart.
I gave Jeff a whoopee cushion after he drank all those long island ice teas.
by Giggitygiggitygiggitygiggity December 20, 2016
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When a man with a cock length of 11 inches or longer uses a beer koozie around the base of his penis to cushion the extra yardage that wont fit into a girl's pussy. Both useful for the man and the woman.
"That bitch was so short I had to straight up koozie cushion!"


"Baby, Im gonna have to Koozie Cush yo shit."

by veegee75 January 16, 2009
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Take a bunch of ecstasy, lather up in essential oils, and hump on the couch for hours.
"How was your Labor Day, Bob?"
"Martha and I went to a rave then came home and did the Soggy Cushion all night."

"Boy, that Soggy Cushion is heavy on the wallet. Have you seen our dry cleaning bills lately??"
by Dolly Fartin September 18, 2023
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Referring to a load of semen left on a chair or couch or backseat.

Also used in reference to a kid that's a couch potatoe.
Who is that over there on the couch? That's my little cushion oyster.
by HookerHuey June 16, 2024
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