you just searched this so it will say get the boys a mug
by Dragons Breath May 18, 2021
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One who exhibits a boyish nature, or identifies as a boy. Not limited to any one gender, sexual preference, or age.
I don’t want to grow up; I’m still just a boi.
by TezzBoi February 16, 2009
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1, Female transexual or a lesbian who looks like a boy.
2, An effeminate man, usually gay.
She's a pretty boi.
by MoonRat February 17, 2004
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The boys in blue, five-oh, fifty, cops, pigs etc.
Be loc, we got boys comin at six.
(Be easy, the cops are right behind us.)
by Jo Co December 26, 2005
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1. A term pedophiles use for their victims.

2. A name for a slave

by Tony ramone June 18, 2005
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A boy who is usually the age 12-17 who acts like a child and praises Donald trump and uses the same “dishwasher” “RAW” “TRUMP 2020” “❄️“ “ For the boys” “ok social reject” catchphrases 24/7.
Alt girl: KAM
The boys: RAW
Me: both of you stfu
by daddywifuobama December 14, 2020
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