The Smart Internet Suite (SIS) is the best of bread applications that work together to create the most productive knowledge, collaboration and personal productivity tools available on the Internet. Usually based on Web 2.0 applications.
Facebook makes an excellent foundation for a Smart Internet Suite (SIS) environment.
by Robert Burwood July 31, 2007
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Slow ass internet such as the kind you'd get from using the free WiFi at a Taco Bell.
Griff: This Taco Bell internet is laggy as hell.
Tucker: Yeah dude, you're rubber banding all over the place.
by GDubz019 July 26, 2021
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the suffering from the Alt in Alter Ego by getting crushed by an excavator
Chihiro has problems from Mental Internet
by Armadillo Stomach November 17, 2021
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The internet version of open book. Usually used when referring to a teacher letting you use your laptop and the internet during a test.
My art history teacher let us have an open internet test for our midterm! It was awesome!
by pxs1919 October 24, 2017
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What an average interaction on the internet is like
(This is an average internet interaction)
Person 1: fuck you
Person 2: what? Why?
Person 1: idk yet
by ball enjoyer May 3, 2023
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When someone revives old meme from death. It has to be at least memorable or back in the day famous meme, because without acknowledging that it was "alive" it can't be revived.
Oh I remember this old meme! It was 12 years ago really famous and somehow it's funny again. Do you do internet necromancy often?
by juicyNeeko June 19, 2020
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