A very rich and bad child, who becomes a power hungry, bad man. Donald's do not focus on social and moral graces, and they resist lengthy studies of any sort. Tactics created as a child are caused by deep inadequacy over their lack of knowledge. Nonetheless, they ruin the lives around them when they resort to bullying and lying tactics, if anyone calls a Donald out on his B@llSh^t.
That Donald is such a douche. I feel sad for dumb Donald. Donald is as dumb as a virus.
by Ob-La-Di August 5, 2020
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A Donald is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a tough man and dumb man's idea of a smart man.
Look at that weak ass broke motherfucker, what a Donald.
by jbird32275 October 27, 2020
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an absolute maniac. He's a good person, but an absolute 100% push on till death, horrible idea-making person. he will also do crazy stuff for fun or because someone paid him 50 bucks, or maybe they said "no balls". If you didn't ask him a question, but looks like he's thinking, get the fuck away IMMEDIATELY, he's coming up with something that will get someone killed. Other than that, a good training coach. he's also a bit insecure of the way he looks, but still pulls relatively well.
you see that guy over there punching a tv? why's he doin that?
oh, thats Donald. he joked around about it and i said no balls.
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He is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a tough man and dumb man's idea of a smart man.
by Booksy October 27, 2020
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A word similar to Bafoon, Idiot, Mongoloid or any other "dumb" synonym.

I don't think i have to say where i got the name of the word.
"Man, did you hear Stevens doesn't wear a mask? He's such a Donald."

"Stop being a Donald and preach for Trans Rights!"
by A Very French Fry September 10, 2020
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Donald is a very nice an generous,heart felt person who puts his loved ones first.His main goals are getting money and hoes.In addition,he has a very big dick.
Girl:I need a Donald

Girl 2:girl back off
by Niyah<3 November 23, 2021
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A Donald is the type of person that acts all nice infront of their parents but when they aren't looking, is an absolute jerk. Donalds are self loathing pieces of garbage that have stupid outdated haircuts and have a dog that smells like expired offbrand meatloaf.
Frick you Donald, you are a dummy. Frick your friends, they smell like cottage cheese.

Frick your dawg 🎵
by NOTORIOUS A.B.C December 30, 2021
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