When you're delusional, ill-informed and overall a general terrible human-being.
Person 1 : Did you see Jake Paul said he could beat Mike Tyson easily? what is that guy delusional?
Person 2: Not even just delusional bro, he's Mark Urban'd that Shii
by D D O Y A November 10, 2021
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a word or utterance that would typically introduce a rebuttal but has been abandoned upon the realization that one was or will be wrong if speaking continues
"Actually...", she waited, sure even after seconds of awkward silence that the mansplanation mark would be carried to term if she were to reply before giving him time to mourn. It was sure to be another pyrrhic victory - her argument was sound and would ultimately prevail, but the deafening silence was the war drumming of his loss to his own embarrassment.
by bgrimm July 27, 2021
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Racist motherfucker who went off on DC's friend for getting a losing position

Basically like zero_chills but extremely more racist
Mark Brown: Fucking Pussy ass ******
Mods: You're banned
by swisscheese222 December 27, 2022
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absolute sexy boy heavy want to pump wt
mark mccabe is a sex god
by cry dhdyxxyx April 16, 2019
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A tall skinny lanky cunt who likes to fuck p7s he is a cheese string and he hits woman and fucks josh
Oh look mark Lee cheese is raping another p7
by Illum7109 April 22, 2019
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Mark G is a tall toadstool boy he is always talking about how much he wants to fuck girl and never does because he’s so lazy he won’t ask anyone out
by GreatGooglyMooglyBrian April 20, 2023
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