Used when something seems wrong but its all right to the end

m? to me it mostly on something that went well but in a other way than what you expected and could be use in a format when you realized from a mistake or a funny thing that almost made you laugh.
p1“yo what the dog doin

p2“It’s eating something alive”

p1“m I didn’t notice”


a guy skating his skateboard until he trip but somehow riding the skateboard from his back.

person says“m”
by Tiger Tooth Ninja September 4, 2021
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Why use boring Latin alphabet to write letter M, when you can draw gentle sea wawes or birds far away flying on the horizon aka "buttocks"?
Manly men mount massive mares.”
by MAHBOY99 August 17, 2022
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The most amazing letter in the alphabet and if this is your nickname your the luckiest person alive. You are kind hearted and funny, you are independent and reliable
by aperrott1234 June 3, 2020
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"hey do you wa-"
by yardardar March 24, 2021
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"M" can sometimes mean millions
Person 1: Yo, have you heard that Drake song that goes "got a lot of ms on mind"?

Person 2: Oh yeah, it's lit!
by Fitboy888 March 27, 2022
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