Someone who is clumsy and repeatedly falls over, sometimes while drunk but sometimes just because he's a total spas.
Rob totally fell over his own feet on the golf course and ended up in the lake!

Thats no surprise he is the Stack Master!
by JHeather May 17, 2007
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this is someone who kins the master of the mustiest of musts
or tectone

this guy
this fella right

is the mustiest person on earth

must check
teccietone right there
"is he serioulsy a master musty kinnie"
"yeah.. kinda musty.. kinda leave him dead alone in a ditch and wait for the rats to eat his face off.. kinda musty..."
by mortenkinniesurvivor January 11, 2022
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the thing you do for some reason even though the world is ending very soon
simone: "shit my masters applications are due this week"
alex: "y would u do those during a pandemic"
simone: "-_-"
by butterbabies January 3, 2022
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A guy who knows where to get the best bait He may have a dealer for it
Oh look at john hes catching all of those Hes gotta be a master baiter
by Big mans machine June 5, 2023
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