On December 16 you will give a note to your crush saying something cheesy to them.
National give your crush a note day is where you give your crush a cheesy note! Example:
*John gives Suzy a note*
Suzy: Whats this?
John: Read it

*Suzy reads it*
by Nat. December 16, 2021
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When you try to type "Give it a shot," but it autocorrects to "Give it a door." Then you proceed to convince your girlfriend (Or anyone else) that it was intentional and play it off like they don't know the new, hip lingo.
Her: I want to play that one spin machine that one a lot on at chicken ranch oh also that Chinese game
You: Oh yea, definitely. We'll give those a door.

Or "Did you check urban dictionary for "Give it a door?"
by JDudeTheRudeDude June 18, 2021
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A vine that a gay kid named Hector says
Hector : give yourself a q
Kid : shutup you gay faggot touch my computer one more time and I will beat the shit out of you
by roman reigns superman punch sp February 18, 2016
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Urban dictionaries way of making money off any fucking weird ass words that you search up.
Wow! I can give a ________ mug for xmas.
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A song that popularized on the internet because someone was singing it moments before a car crash. Multiple edits of the guy were made.
Singing Guy: and now my life to you I give
Singing Guy: and now my life.. AUAHHHHHH!!
*car crash noises*
Singing Guy: *absolutely puzzled after the crash*
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A healing item used in a Roblox game

Two words that should heal your mental injuries from something cringy/disgusting someone said or something cringy/disgusting you've seen.
Hey look Jack,that kid is doing a fortnite dance!
Give acorn

Even acorn can't heal my eyes
by Chromik January 3, 2021
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A healing item used in a roblox game

Two words that should heal your mental injuries upon seeing/hearing someone saying/doing something cringy/disgusting.
Hey look Jack,that kid is doing a fortnite dance
Give acorn
Even acorn can't heal my eyes
by Chromik January 3, 2021
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