a phrase used by roadmen like biq shaq to describe the noise or how something happened
you so blud the ting went noice
by your mum gay lol November 2, 2017
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That day when a crazy Karen names Gingy Pubes got triggered and threw all the bags around and broke a phone.
Dude 1: Did you hear what happened at lunch
Dude 2: yeah I heard Bambo went crazy
Dude 1: yeah, Bambo went Rambo
by RPhill02 February 22, 2020
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Exactly the same like "let's go". But more Russian.
— Hey, dude, go to went
Ok, blyat.
by Vallevan March 18, 2018
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when one losses his or her temper
Hayley went into one when she heard that Nikki was seeing her ex-boyfriend Steve
by zizabelle December 16, 2010
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Means someone dressed nicely and their outfit is impressive(You have the drip)
by DukeIsDead January 20, 2023
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When your brakes are well past their life and you’ve been grinding deep grooves into your rotors
“Yeah man, I’ve hearing some intense grinding for the past couple months whenever I press on the brake. Why is that?”
“Oh those records went platinum for sure.”
by Bangswell October 24, 2023
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