cool if used to good efect...lets face it there is somthing that makes go yiff yourself sound dityer than go fuck yourself usualy however its just somthing people say when they are around people they dont feel comfortable swearing around...say your girl friends parents or somthing

also used in great effect in father ted where all that was required was an accent and they could cuss as much as they liked without being restricted in when they showed theyer program
by ice elemental January 18, 2004
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A term used in order to make someone know you're telling the truth 100% and that if you are lying your mother will die.
Scott: Did ya hear C-Dogs mum went to jail fam?
Greg: Dat some bullshit
Scott: Na bruv I swear on my mums life.
by Afran January 15, 2016
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This phrase is used to respond when one person says something you disbelieve, and then another person comes in to support them. The point is that a lie doesn't become more true simply because another person (of similar sketchiness) tries to back it up.
A: No way man, I wasn't even there that day, you can even ask Jimmy, he'll tell you I wasn't there.
B: Jimmy? Oh, awesome, now Jimmy's backing up your story. Well, just goes to show, "one lies and the other swears to it."
by Gyreneisms August 10, 2011
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Swear emotes, using middle fingers and angry, bored or annoyed faces. :). Just keep practicing and fiddlin' about until, hopefully, you find a good one! These are cool swear emote things below. =P
,,|,, <(-.-")> ,,|,,

_,|,, <(~.~")> ,,|,_

,,),, <(>.<)> ,,),,

..|.. (><) ..|..

(Above) Swear Emote Things! =D
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When you put your pinky finger deep inside a girl's vagina or ass and then bend your finger and pull.
I just gave some girl the world's deepest pinky swear last night.
by Known Unknown October 19, 2010
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What a moderator says to anyone in Minecraft or Roblox when someone swears in their server.
Person 1: I'm gonna say the N-Word!
Person 3: Not if I have anything to say about it, and I do! NO SWEARING ON MY CHRISTIAN SERVER!!!
by RedRabbit1987 March 5, 2019
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something you say to somebody when you don't really give a shit about their story. this is a phrase usually used when somebody else won't shut the fuck up about something you don't give a fuck about. you usually let them talk for a little while but when they get to the point of being annoying, that's when you tell them, "Say I swear to God." In short, it's just another way to let somebody else know you don't care. When you tell them to say "I swear to God," they usually get the message right away after saying "I swear to God," and shortly afterwards realizing that it means you don't care.
Melissa: Cancun was so awesome! We were at the bar every night! We met totally hot guys! One night we all danced on the bar after we did like, 20 jelly shots apiece! And then Jill made out with some guy who was like, 35 years old! We were all dying laughing! It was so funny!

Me: No way! Say I swear to God! (in a cocky ass, sarcastic manner)

Melissa: I swear to God! (realizing you don't care)
by TwanDiggity August 10, 2005
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