Any person who spends all of their money trying to make the gay car their mommy and daddy bought them look faster by adding large spoilers, stickers, wheels, lame exhausts and altezza taillights.
I love owning those ricers almost as much as I love owning Mustang GT's with my 4 door fwd family sedan (see nismo)
by 5 speed 95se max August 14, 2003
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what marc yan's evo will be once he puts a loud cannon on the back. typical stereotypes of ricer
-big wing
-body kit
-tinted windows
-loud can in back
Dude did you see yan's evo?" "yeah man but its too ricer now, with that cannon. and he needs to take the wing off
by JDM 4L! hah jk May 3, 2011
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A slang term used to describe someone who owns or drives a "rice rocket". ("Rice rocket" is a term to describe cars made from asian countries) The term "rice rocket" has been around far longer than the recent fad of "import tuning". The term has been closely associated with "tuned" rice rockets, not stock asian import vehicles. (people who drive stock imports are generally not talked about)
anyone who drives a "tuned" (asian) import vehicle. These people can be commonly found at places like "Pep Boys" or at "Kragen" auto centers. They are usually in aisle 7 shopping for flashy crap to (poorly) accessorize their car.
by Brendon January 12, 2005
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A diagonosis for people with the inability to see past a car's true preformance potential. Limited by the belive that a 4 cylinder, front wheel drive compact car has immence preformance potential - yet fail to factor in the very high costs and mass unreliablitity of front wheel drive cars in the hopes of the car having more than 300 horse-power. The car ulimately is unstable and the engine is slowy "killing itself" from the high revolution.
"What are you talking about? That RSX-S is the best ultra-sports car in the world! It can rev to 9000rpms! You know - revs equal speed!"
by OBS April 24, 2003
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Term given to anyone who happens to like and/or drive a Non-American vehicle and/or not like American made vehicles. Most Honda owners are used to the name Ricer, since they take most of the heat.

Some "ricers" like to build fast cars, while others would rather just have a nice looking car. It doesn't matter to the Pro-American people, for no matter what the person wants his car to be, it isn't because "its rice"
My 1969 Chevelle with 340 Horsepower and a weight of around 4grand can take any ricer I don't care what hes got.
by Anonymous July 2, 2003
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a jack-off mobile usually a honda that is easily confused for a SHOPPING CART at your local grocery store. usually driven by: yes, you guessed it boys and girls : JACK OFFS
vrrooom vrrrrorooom *guy in civic* maybe if i jacked off faster, this piece of s#$t will run a 10 second 1/4 mile.
by k&y September 18, 2003
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Person who cruises up and down the streets in overhauled, over painted cheapass american cars that have been fitted with Coffee can mufflers to look like a Jap car. This person says that they hate "Fast and the Furious" but everyone else knows that that movie is the only reason that they bought that car.
"Dude, look at that f***ing ricer."

"RIIIICERR!!!" ( Scream this at them as they drive by )
by John Lansford July 23, 2003
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