the act of masturbating to images that are animated in nature including cartoon characters, video game characters, action figures, dolls, and stuffed animals.
I feel kind of dirty. I watched "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" this afternoon and had to retire to the bathroom after the Jessica Rabbit scene to molest my inner child. <molesting your inner child>
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All other ur insults bow down to this God of an insult
Tommy: ur family tree lgbt
Nick: stfu ur ancestor a man molester
Tommy explodes into a fucking oblivion
by yoink_ March 24, 2018
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This is the worst roast known to mankind. If someone pulls this out on you, your a dead mfer.
Kuntu - your mom gay
Master - your dad lesbian

Kuntu - your granny tranny
Master - your gramps is a tramps
Kuntu - your sister a mister
Master - your brother a mother

Kuntu- you don’t know what you just did massa I have the power of god and anime on my side. YOUR UNCLE CHESTER IS A MOLESTER!!!!!!
Master *sheds tears and pulls out the whip
by MajinRobloxxxxLord123 May 13, 2018
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One who molesters
by fthfsdhueifyidusf August 26, 2021
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to either physically molest someone or to beat/annihilate someone at a game/challenge
Tim molesterates children/I totally molesterated Tim at Halo the other night.
by hankmustdie April 30, 2004
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Having the characteristic of being easily molested. Vulnerable in the way of sexual knowledge and prowess and having few sexual defenses.
"Dude, that chicken looks so hot...I want it..."

"Dude, you screw the chicken, I'm going to see if that gohper is molesterable. He was eyeing me earlier."
by Itami June 21, 2005
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"I must ask you to eat crap sandwiches, you Malthusian monkey molester," is the definitive, empirically tested retort which wins an argument forever, and for which no come back is possible.
Edbogard: .. and so I think that Sartre was essentially in error when he mistook the homology between ontogeny and...

Pasco: Arrgh! I can't take it any more! I must ask you to eat crap sandwiches, you Malthusian monkey molester!

Edbogard: I...

by scodder November 15, 2012
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