1. Sleeping, usually while on a transportation ride.

2. Past tense of fall asleep.
They fell asleep part of the way.
by srisuci.unsur February 16, 2017
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The feeling of life continuing after the mind receives answers to questions in which the mind ponders
by Fell golden September 21, 2014
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You fell for the bait, Idiot.

I tricked you with this link claiming it to be something else, But it was actually this.
Unless you found this via the urban dictionary website, I trolled you! Dumby.
josegonzoles2006: here my sources THIS LINK
vehicularfornications: the link just says i fell for bait?
josegonzoles2006: no you see, i fooled you, you fell for it
by aaroncoughing October 13, 2022
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A 35 year old who has a last name that people used to make fun of. But Robyn is an adult and has no hate anymore. People are just immature.
"Robyn fell over!"

"Robyn fell off a cliff!"
"Robyn fell down!"
"Robyn fell down a well!"
by Nesta Bob Marley April 10, 2016
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Tyler Fell might come a cross quiet or weird but get him drunk he its the funniest cunt around
Tyler Fell is defiantly not an alcoholic
by monkyman4836 October 16, 2022
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fell is a insult basically calling someone down bad/wanting sex. comes from the discord user fell because that mf is horny asf
you’re such a fell” “be quiet you fell”
by feller116 July 13, 2021
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