An unfinished version of the wrod train
Person: Hi! Whats your name
Tom: Tom
Person:Like the trai...
Tom: -dies-
by xindering July 29, 2019
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Anus, shit pipe, durgo, chimney, sewer pipe.
Big Pat: Dal, I heard you had a date with the barmaid from the Dog and Duck last night.
Dal: Phwoaarrr I had my work cut out there mate. All she wanted was chopper.
Big Pat: I hope you obliged?
Dal: Mate I even stuffed it in her litter tray.
Big Pat: Good boy.
by Pat the builder November 4, 2019
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when you stand on a stolen McDonald’s food tray and get pulled by a car, simulating wake boarding around your neighborhood
Damn I’m board you wanna steal some trays from McDonald’s and go tray boarding?
by Candyman141 April 15, 2018
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When the Irish shit a lot and put it on a tray
Oh matey that's a Tray 'O' Shit you got there, better go command q on life
by mapledick November 27, 2018
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Tobias Tray
Tobias Tray
by Tobias Tray January 6, 2022
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