Someone who is capable of smoking a lot of marijuana in their life. They also tell the complete truth when they are high as fuck. Always believe them if they say they're "jizzing in their pants because this cereal is so good".
Stoner:I peed on your toothbrush cause I thought it was a little toilet

Stoner#2:I'm jizzing in my pants because this cereal is so good
by cerealissogood May 6, 2011
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A person that smokes Pot or does other types of drugs.

A person that is imspired by getting high.

A person gets high not to be uneducated but to be happy and wants to do more stuff with friends that they would never do if not high.

It makes sex better!!!!!!
Dude 1: Dude lets go smoke some pot man so i can watch that thing in the corner move around it looks like it is alive but i don't want to get to close it because it might crawl at me with its front leg.
by qzn August 4, 2009
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A person who gets "stoned" (high off cannabis) often. They're not always laid back and lazy as some people say they are.
I enjoy a spliff or a shotty every now and again but I'm not a stoner as such.
by Crook November 29, 2004
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A stoner is also known as a reefer. a stoner is most commonly found to be a male between the ages of 16 and 28. Stoners often smell strongly of body oder and smoke. These so called "stoners" are often found stumbling around the following. Tacobell, Burgerking, Mc Donalds, and or KFC. These stoners do nothing but eat food and smoke mary jane all day every day. Stoners are often found in the bottom of their grandmothers basement listening to ACDC or Pink Floyd. Stoners do not preform well at school, becasue for the most part they can not stop sleeping during class. in conclusion a stoner is a nic name givin to someone that smokes weed too much.
Go smoke your weed you god damn stoner.
by skatercid52 April 13, 2009
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a group of people who enjoy doing drugs together. most are addicted to drugs. they have other friends but usually resign to the group of stoners
''do u know any good dealers?'' ''erm no man, ask one of the stoners''
by lauren luvs the j July 16, 2006
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People who enjoy smoking the Marijuana on a regular basis. Friendly people who are nice too. And although they could spend their hard earned cash on something that could get them somewhere in life, they are happy buying weed on a $50+ a week budget.
I am a lot more successful then those stoners because I don't spend all my money on the Herb of the sacred garden
by The Evangelist June 18, 2011
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Someone who smokes weed all the time, and is so stoned all the time that they are unaware of their surroundings. The person is liable to smoke up to 4 joints a day, and things that are done in the house are always gone un-noticed. A stoner can sometimes forget where he is or what he is doing and can leave lights on, doors open, taps running and the heating on all night.
For fuck sake, the stupid git left on the lights in the hall, the kitchen, the bathroom, left the heating on, and left the tap running. I'll give him 5 years and he'll be dead from smoking that shit everyday, the stupid smelly Dog.
by Dog March 5, 2004
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