Someone who races sailboats exceptionally well consistently. Someone who usually jumps on the boat last minute and goes. Rockstar sailors are wanted by everyone to go race on their boat. He or she usually doesn't own their own boat. They are well known by fellow competitors.
That guys Rockstar sailor status! After staying up all night out drinking the other teams under the table and dancing with their girlfriends, he strolls down the dock late with a beer in his hand, his crew waiting on him and finishes 1st in his race.
by Rockstar sailo August 9, 2014
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Zay, The Legendary Rockstar who runs the SYN Squad
You can’t be CEO Rockstar
by CEO ROCKSTAR December 6, 2020
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Combining LSD and alcohol. The alcohol takes the edge off of the sometimes anxiety inducing LSD trip while the LSD does the rest. It makes you feel like a rockstar. The effects of the LSD can make you feel less drunk than you are so be careful not to drink too much or else you could very easily die from alcohol poisoning. Overwise a fairly safe combo assuming you actually have LSD. 150 ug combined with 5-6 shots should do it.
“I took two tabs last night and killed a bottle of vodka. I love rockstar flipping.”

“I drank a fifth and took a 5 strip and felt like a rockstar. The other people at my sister’s wedding didn’t like it very much.”
by danasp_42 March 17, 2019
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The time when Rockstar Games got hacked and the unreleased Grand Theft Auto 6 alpha footage was all over the internet. This was presumably the biggest leak in gaming history.
Yo this "Rockstar Sunday" just showed this new "Grand Theft Auto 6" girl and she is bad as hell.
by Timmy McTimmson September 19, 2022
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Popstars who think they are rockstars and dress && act as such.
Basically just a lighter, sweeter version of the original.

"Justin Timberlake is such a diet rockstar"
Justin Timberlake and Good Charlotte are such diet rockstars

by xxx_lexi August 16, 2007
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When you drink too much and black out and throw up while you're laying on your back and choke on your puke and die.
YOU: My friend died the rockstar's death this weekend.
PERSON: How honorable.
by 6969bootyeater6969 April 24, 2018
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