to back out, or punk out of a challenge, or anything for that matter.
Yo man, why you be herbing out whenever we wanna go shoot some ball?

Yo, Alex be herbing out every time i call that fool to chill.
by alacom October 16, 2007
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someone who smokes a lot of weed
bill is still a herb tweaka
by deb July 1, 2003
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a person who is a herb and and asshole.
did you have to talk to that Herb Asshole arniotes today?
by MyNameIsArni February 3, 2009
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a term furthering the insult "herb". Those called herb ass losers are the undisputed kings of all herbs.
-Yo, lets hit up the Den tonight.
-Nah, my dude, the only people who go there on Saturday nights are herb ass losers.

by Chuck Street Cartel April 13, 2009
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A kick ass rock/urban reggae style band from Arizona. Sublime influenced, they are one of the best local bands in Arizona.
Herb is for the Verb
N is for together
Life is for the one thing that will never last forever
by SPaZED April 29, 2004
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