F*cking Ugly
Person 1: Those skinny jeans are fugly
Person 2: Your mullet is fugly
Person 1: Go screw yourself
Person 2: Ur gay
by mistergayass November 3, 2009
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Made fame on Mean Girls.

Also the definition of Jizzum.

'Regina is a fugly slut'
'Jizzum is just plain fugly'
by Koren/Kack January 17, 2008
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A unique and distinct form of ugly. Worse than ugly, but better than ugly ugly.
Simpsons reference, from Episode #242: "Pygmoelian". pug fugly was first used by Moe the Bartender.
"I've been called ugly, fugly, pugly, pug fugly... but not UGLY ugly!"
by tap_catastrophe December 5, 2004
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The highest level of ugliness. A truly unbelievable degree of repulsiveness usually only achieved by little fat security guards.
Ugliness levels:

1 ugly

2 pug ugly

3 fugly

4 pug fugly

5 super pug fugly

6 scotch fugly
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when someone is fugly they can be said to have been hit with a fugly stick. can also be used to say a once pretty girl is now ugly aka you were drunk and took her home.
It looks she got whacked with a fugly stick!

She got whacked with a fugly stick while we were sleeping.
by mandadandalyon March 28, 2009
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